I’m Ryan Cox. Thanks for stopping by
Hi, I’m Ryan Cox. I make content when the mood strikes and call it Cox Content. Simple enough, right?
Some of my photos are worth sharing. When I get time for my underwater photography habit, I post things here.
I spend most of my working life building behavioral health infrastructure and business. I’ve founded a few businesses that have increased access to behavioral health services in the U.S.
I’m an operating cofounder of Acclaim Autism where I serve as Vice President. My work is focused on rethinking the role of technology in behavioral health organizations, and how to increase access to behavioral health and wellbeing services.
I’m also the founder of Novavo, which makes behavior science-backed wellbeing planning available to the general public.
This site contains some of my photography and personal thoughts about my work, particularly through the lens of design thinking and how it relates to behavioral health.